
Most options controlling how Hemisfer works are set in a dialogue box with several tabs. They can be accessed via the main menu, or by clicking on one of the option buttons:

button / menu short description
Site These options apply to the site from which pictures were taken: site name coordinates, elevation, time zone, magnetic north declination.
Lens geometry This option allows to choose a known lens geometry or to define a new one.
Colours to analyse These options allow to choose the weights given to the colour channels, a colour to be ignored and the γ (gamma) factor of the picture.
Threshold black/white These options control how the brightness threshold between black (canopy) and white (sky) is set.
Leaf area index Several methods exist for calculating the LAI (and the clumping factor) from a hemispherical picture. This option allows to choose which of these methods will be used by Hemisfer.
Crown definition In order to calculate the leaf area of a tree crwon, a number of geometrical parameters have to be entered here.
Light regime These options are to choose the atmospheric transmission parameters that define the incident radiation model. This is also where the time steps of the light regime are set, both for its daily and its yearly cycle.
Results saving These options is to choose where the results will be saved and with which degree of detail (also to choose when parameters have to be saved).
Language For choosing the language in which Hemisfer is displayed.
Software registration For registering Hemisfer and thus removing its limitation to a radius of 500 pixels for the analysis.